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2021年3月2号Business Insider报道,索罗斯的早年搭档、华尔街传奇投资家吉姆·罗杰斯先生(Mr. Jim Rogers)在接受RealVision的周一采访时表示后悔没有买入比特币。





Block chain has an extremely bright future, Cryptocurrencies will all go to zero and disappear. 区块链有一个非常光明的未来。加密货币将会全部归零并消失。


Regarding cryptocurrencies, firstly we separate them into two groups: (1) Bitcoin, and (2) the other cryptocurrencies. 关于加密货币,首先我们把它们分成两组:(1)比特币,以及(2)其它加密货币。

For group 2, I would say I’d agree with your view to a large extent. 对于第2组,我要说我在很大程度上同意你的观点。(注:当时DeFi和Uniswap尚未浮出水面:)

Let’s talk a little bit more about group 1, the Bitcoin. I know Warren and Charlie dislike it. ;) However, I’d say the requirement of a so-called “Bitcoin” for people to speculate is technically necessary to solve the decentralized incentivization problem: 让我们对于第1组,比特币,多说一点。我知道沃伦·巴菲特和查理·芒格不喜欢它。;) 然而,我要说人们对于所谓“比特币”的投机需求对于解决去中心化激励问题是必需的:

First, there’re only chains of transactions and digital signatures (i.e. ledger) if we had a deep look into the Bitcoin blockchain. There’s no stuff like a “bit coin” as people imagine. Bitcoin lives only in people’s co-imagination, not on the computer hard disks (probably like Heaven or God ;). 首先,如果我们深入去看比特币区块链的话,那里只有交易以及电子签名的链(即,账本)。并没有一个如人们想象中的东西是“比特的币”。比特币只存在于人们的共同想象之中,而不在计算机硬盘里(或许就如同天堂或者上帝 ;)。

Secondly, from technology perspective, the break-through of Satoshi’s Bitcoin and blockchain technology is to solve the most difficult problem so called the “FLP impossibility”. A quick and short brief: 其次,从技术角度讲,中本聪的比特币和区块链技术最具突破性的进展是解决了最困难的所谓“FLP不可能”问题。一个快速而简短的梗概如下:(略)

Now we are almost there but we cannot have people grow blocks honestly unless we bring some kind of economic incentivization into the system. We may employ a central authority to award all, but the central authority would corrupt. In order to motivate people without a central authority, Bitcoin makes people want it and then the network and the algorithm can motivate people by awarding them Bitcoins. It sounds like tautological, but Bitcoin system did it. 现在我们就快要解决问题了,但是,除非向系统中引入某种形式的经济激励,否则我们无法让人们诚实地增长区块。我们也许可以用一个中央权威来奖励所有人,但是中央权威会腐败。为了动员人们而又无需一个中央权威,比特币让人们都想要它,然后网络和算法就可以通过奖励比特币来动员人们。这听起来像是一个套套逻辑,但是比特币系统做到了。

Will Bitcoin die? 100 people could have 100 opinions. If it won’t die, it will be there, until we find a better solution to incentivize people without introducing a central authority. 比特币会死掉吗?一百个人可能会有一百种观点。如果它不会死掉,它就会屹立不倒,直到我们找到更好的解决方案,无需引入中央权威也能激励人们。








(公众号:刘教链) (免责声明:本文内容均不构成任何投资建议。加密货币为极高风险品种,有随时归零的风险,请谨慎参与,自我负责。)